
Right now, the Jewish community is observing and celebrating Rosh Hashanah. 

Happy New Year!

Something I've not mentioned yet, as most of this blog has been consumed by running related bullshit other topics, is that I'm converting to Judaism in less than a month. The emotions tied to this are so complicated, that I'm not going to try and explain them here. My husband and therapist have both heard it all, so I'll just say that I'm emotional about it. It's good. It's great. It's amazing even. 

So a large purpose of this time of year for Jewish people is to be observant and introspective and thoughtful and contemplative. I feel like I do this too much already (to a fault, because somehow I can make anything my fault) but I'm happy to participate as a(n almost official) Jewish person. 

The sermon at Synagogue this morning was really poignant (it almost always is though) and I haven't stopped thinking about it. The message was about change and how, as people, we tend to fear change. We worry about transitions and dwell on the loss of what we knew, instead of considering what is potentially yet to be. We don't consider what's up ahead, when we keep looking back at what we left behind. 

I'm not going to be Captain Obvious and point out the many changes in my life this past year, but as I have looked inward, I'm discovering a new me. As the Rabbi at our synagogue quoted, "I am who I am becoming, I am becoming who I am."  Does this not say it all???

Between my job change, my injury, my non-runner status, my upcoming conversion, my continued work in therapy, evolving as a parent (sorry, Captain Obvious speaking there)...I am changing. Nothing is cemented in place. Nothing stays the same. And that is terrifying and exciting all at the same time!

 Change is scary. 
But change is how we keep moving forward. 

L'Shanah Tovah


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