Morning conversations

My morning:
I'm sitting in the hallway at our synagogue, reading a pretty incredible book, in a window seat that suits me just fine. There's coffee, there's nice people passing by, my kids will be done with Hebrew School soon. 

I'm feeling kind of down. 
Lonely. Sad. In a lot of pain.
 It's ok, I'm really ok. 
It's good to be aware, and not afraid, of feelings that aren't the picture of positivity. 

A person approached me to say hi...
this is someone I've known for many years, and we've talked about any number of things, but I wouldn't think that he knew me particularly well...

...until he started a conversation that caused me to believe otherwise. He described his perception of a topic that pertained to ME, specifically, and it instantly lifted my mood. 

He does know me! 

I held back tears (worried he might never approach me again if I started crying right then) and thanked him for sharing with me and for being so thoughtful...
about me...

someone I thought he barely knew. 

I'm being vague about the details of the conversation because that is not the important part of this story. 

The point is that we are not really as "alone" as we might feel at a given point in time. 

The point is that being open to honest and thoughtful conversations might just turn your, or someone else's, frown upside down. 


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