Saturday morning thoughts
What is it about a cup of coffee and a quiet house on a Saturday morning that gets you all contemplative and introspective?
My thoughts this morning, in no particular order:
*the sky is the prettiest blue right now
*i love my job, a ridiculous amount, far more than I thought I would
*i love that Alex has a job again
*it hasn't even been a week since Aaron had his close call with the ocean yet it feels like it was an eternity ago...and that it happened to someone else, not him, perhaps in a movie that took place in Australia. That's how distant it feels. I suspect my brain will bring it back to me at some point, but for now I'm grateful for the distance
*i wish I was running in this weather...which has been amazing pretty much consistently since I stopped running August 1st🙄
*the first week of school and sports for the kids happened, with Alex and I both working, and I am still alive and "functioning"
*i have 7 weeks until the big surgery and the "get everything done right now" feelings are in full force
*i'm converting to Judaism next month! I have at least a million emotions related to it and am anxious for the week to get here
*last thought, for now at least, I have the best dogs that have ever existed. I'm certain of it
Happy Saturday💜
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