Knee progress...

POD 11
This was the first morning since before surgery that I had to do the “morning routine” alone. Husband leaves for work at the crack of dawn M,T, and I was on my own today. I woke up earlier than usual, because everything takes longer to accomplish.... I haven’t quite figured out how much doesn’t seem to be a uniform percentage...but it’s longer for sure...And when I wake up, it takes several minutes to wake up enough to use crutches. There’s no jumping out of bed and crutching away...I really have to wait until I’m feeling steady on my feet foot. 

So I woke up immediately feeling overwhelmed and irritated by the fact that simple things (like the morning school routine) now feel like enormous tasks. I know, boo-hoo, I’m totally whining. But I’ve kept a positive attitude 98% of the past 11 days, so let me whine. It all went fine this morning, I even made Aaron a homemade waffle which he’s been deprived of going without the last several days. How it is that my 8 year old child gets a homemade waffle every morning is not relevant to this blog or to my knee recovery...but if you really want to know, ask, and I will tell. 

Even though that all went seamlessly, I was in a funky mood. Probably because it’s raining here. Possibly because it’s Monday, and who doesn’t feel like this on a Monday?! So my next task was to go to PT, and I was feeling less than excited about it all. I decided to throw on a motivational hat to remind me how capable I am and how much easier rehab will be if I keep trying my hardest.

Then I crutched the 4 blocks to PT. I gave myself an hour to get there. It felt like I was certainly going to be running late. But I’m an ass. It took me 16 minutes, not 60. So I sat in a coffee shop and drank mediocre coffee for 40 minutes. 

PT went great. It was quick. I’ve made even more improvement, but I’m at a place where I can’t do any more right now. There’s a good amount of this rehab that requires time and healing of the internal work (specifically the MACI), and progress is SLOW and STEADY. So I’m in a holding pattern. I’m not good at holding patterns. I’m good with forward progress. But healing is progress, so, yeah, I sit back and wait for now. 

I have 0 differential in extension (my L leg is at the same degree of extension as my R), which is amazing considering I went into surgery with a 2cm difference. And I’m at 95 degrees flexion (also more than I had pre-surgery). The goal by POD14 is 90 degrees based on the protocol. So at least two more days of the same and we will see what Dr. Z says on Wednesday (POD13). It’s good that I’m a rule follower and have memorized the post-op protocol. I will try to can be patient. 

I’m exhausted, and still cranky, but happy to know I’m doing this recovery thing right. I’m anxious for Wednesday and my first post-op appointment...suture removal, and progress update with Dr. Z!


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