Thankful for...

On Thanksgiving, it’s somewhat expected that we reflect on what we are thankful for. Right?  I feel like I’ve been reflecting on what I’m thankful for, a lot lately, as I’ve been receiving so much help and support. So here’s my “what I’m thankful for” list in no particular order:

My boys.
Eternally thankful that I get to be their mom. They challenge me and inspire me and keep me moving forward...more days than not. 

Thankful for his partnership and companionship, love and encouragement. It is not always easy, nor is it always fun, but it is always worth it!

My village. 
I am thankful for the people in my life who step in and act as my village. The hands have evolved and changed over time...different family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers. There is always someone there to help, and for that I so grateful. 

My therapist. 
I am thankful to have found a therapist who has helped me understand, trust, love, and have pride in myself. I’ve grown in ways I never expected, and have weathered some tough times far more smoothly thanks to this support. 

Speaking of tough times...
I’m thankful for everything challenging that has come my way...the big and the small.
 I really am. 
I am who I am because of those tough times. I’ve always grown, learned something, and feel more capable on the other side of whatever it is.

My mental health. 
I’m thankful for my mental health, and the ways I’ve learned to manage it. Is it perfect? Hell no. Who’s is?  I’m grateful though that I am aware and in touch with what goes on in my head. I’m open and honest with myself and others, even total strangers, about my struggles. I think it all makes me a more authentic human, and a better version of me. 

These two!
Daisy and Rocky complete our family, and are an endless source of snuggles and kisses. 

The Jewish community. 
This is a note Charlie left me when he was 5, and it has always made me smile. I have found a wonderful source of community and support in the congregation we belong to. I am so thankful to have been welcomed by them, with open arms, for the past 12 years, and even more excited to be Jewish myself now!

My home, and the city I call home. 
I love living here, and am grateful to have the opportunity to raise a family in a diverse and exciting city. Also very grateful for this view!

I miss it, but I am SO grateful for the time I spent as a runner. I learned about myself. I learned to trust and appreciate my body. I challenged myself regularly. I met some incredible people.  I am a better person for having been a runner. 

Thankful for a successful and speedy recovery so far. I have had so much encouragement and support and it has helped tremendously. I am also thankful to have had a medical team that I trust and have a good relationship with. That has made this process far more tolerable. 

My job, my career, what I was meant to do. 
I am so thankful to have a great job, to love what I do, to love who I do it with, and to have the opportunity to continually grow professionally!

I hope you have a wonderful day, and have time to reflect on what makes you thankful!


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