The good feelings far outshine the bad

I should be taking a nap. 
I promised myself I would nap each day this week. 
I swore I would work on my sleep hygiene (that is a really hideous term) now that I started back to work. 

But I can’t sleep and I feel really good. 
So as much as this blog helps me vent my woes, I want to document the great days too. 

The funny thing about this whole no running/surgery/rehab process is that the smallest most insignificant details can either make me happy as can be, or completely take the wind out of my sails. 

Today was a happy as can be kind of day.

I went to PT expecting more of the same...
*how far can you flex passively (100 degrees is the answer...2 weeks ahead of schedule)?
*straight leg raises face up, face down, and side lying
*watching me crutch with 20lbs of weight bearing on the L leg
*what’s your pain level? 
*any heel height differential on extension?
...looks good, see you next week. 
And I got that all, and Marty got to the part where he was going to say see you next week and he paused and looked at me. Then he offered me 2 more exercises if I do them in moderation and with care. I know I don’t hide my emotions well, so I wonder what kind of look I had on my face that told him I’d be crushed frustrated with more of the same. 

Bottom line is that I am allowed to do active leg extensions to 45 degrees (from a starting angle of 90 degrees) and clam shells. Doesn’t sound like much, but progress is progress!  And my left leg muscles were actually tired after doing them AND I’m doing enough that he wants me to ice after!
That’s not all!  I will increase to 2x a week PT after next week, and by the end of December I’ll be walking.
 That is really exciting. 
I mean, obviously, I knew I’d walk again. 
But having Marty speak about that now feels exciting and promising and tangible. 

And as much as I’m proud of the callouses I’ve formed on these hands, I’m excited to get back to walking without crutches. 

****finally fell asleep for that nap with these two****

So going back to work last night went well. I felt slow and tired just getting to my office. The hospital feels a lot bigger than it did when I used my two feet to get me around! I’m excited to have a routine again, and I got some super exciting work news today which has me all pumped and eager to hit the ground running walking crutching!

2 days until the 4 week post-op mark.
2 days until I stop sleeping in the brace. 
2 days until I say goodbye to the CPM 
(which has been giving me some strange psychoanalyzing type messages recently)
I laughed when I saw this error message, but also felt like maybe the machine is getting too close to me and it’s time for it to go!

That’s all. Happy day for me. Thanks for reading and caring and cheering me along!


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