Getting sent home from PT is never really a good thing.

I went to PT this morning and got sent home after 6 minutes on the bike. It sounds like I’m being reprimanded for being bad or something!  No, I was having too much pain. And my knee is swollen even though it was first thing in the morning. So I got sent home. 

I’m not even sure what I did to it. It being my knee.  
PT lady said it could be the weather which has been fluctuating between high 50’s and winter cold with snow showers seemingly every other day.
Regardless, I woke up today feeling sore in my knee and thigh, and my first step down the stairs hurt like hell. So I am icing it, and resting (as much as a mom rests), and pouting, and will try PT again Thursday.

This is a really weird space to be in, physically and mentally. Still in the upside down I guess. I’m really trying to focus on the progress I’m making, but the progress is frustratingly slow and microscopic...which is what I was told this would be like. But being told how something is going to be, and actually being in it, are two different experiences. 

I have moments where I am walking very normally (I think so anyway) and I don’t have to think about every step, and just as suddenly as I blink my eyes I’m limping because the knee suddenly hurts or feels very stiff. 
But the moments where I don’t notice it much at all are glorious!

Incidentally, I see Dr. Z tomorrow morning for my 12 week follow-up. Last time I saw him in the office he told me to start putting weight on my leg and to come back in 6 weeks. If he tells me tomorrow to come back in 6 months I might cry. I’m nervous that I’ll still be in pain and swollen tomorrow (especially because I do work tonight) and that he will be concerned, or worse, disappointed! As of 5pm, my knee still feels terrible, even with Tylenol, Motrin and ice all day. So. Yeah. 
Switching topics to something that doesn’t make me want to vomit, or at least not as much....

I’m not sure if it’s reasonable to try for this, but I have a goal of being able to do one pull-up (a goal I set way back when I first got the knee diagnosis) before my 40th birthday (which is coming up too soon!). I know it’s reasonable that I could do a pull-up at some point. I just don’t know how long one needs to get ready for it.  My birthday timeline is a tiny bit over 4 months away. I printed out a packet of exercises and information on how to progress from noodle arms (me now) to pull-up chick (me at 40?). 

Not as much fun as training for a race, but I’ll never get on this goal unless I give myself a deadline. And what better deadline than the dreaded 4-0. And just so you know, if I’m unable to do one pull-up on my birthday, you can expect to never hear from me again because I’ll have been unsuccessful at staying in my 30’s AND doing a pull-up. 

Final thoughts, I mentioned that the Eagles are going to the SuperBowl right?  Well if you didn’t know, now you do. So the city is all excited and everywhere you look there are signs and banners and decorated statues and green lights on buildings. I want SO badly to run around (literally, because that is the best way to see all of the city) and take pictures of the Eagles spirit in the city and make a photo book of it all. I keep thinking ‘I want a picture of that statue’ or ‘that sign’ when I’m driving around, but it’s impossible to get out of the car at every cool picture opportunity. So I’m bummed. 

Holy crap, I hope they win!



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