Is this week over yet??

I’m not sure about all of you, but this week has kicked my ass. 

The bright side: 
I guess I’m totally dealing with it. Rolling with the punches. Handling whatever happens without losing my mind. But, as a mom, is there any option other than  “just roll with it?” If there is, please tell me now!  

The down side: 
I hate feeling like I can’t get more than just my head above water, and I feel like I’m one annoying phone call away from flipping out. Haven’t flipped out yet, but came close!

Deep breath!

Nothing major, catastrophic, or life altering has happened. But man if there aren’t (seemingly) hundreds of little things piling up and making me feel like I’m just barely getting by. 

I mean little things like our garage door opener breaking. And it broke at a time when I was rushing to get my sick kid from school to take him to the doctor earlier this week. The car was trapped in the garage! 
Dramatic sounding right?! 
So I climbed up a ladder and located a place to disconnect the door from the opener so I could open and close the door manually. I made it to the school, and then the doctor, on no harm done. Except that it was just one more thing that could’ve happened any other week and I would’ve laughed about it rather than having to talk myself out of a tantrum. 

Funny thing, if I said to my therapist that I felt like I was just getting by, he’d laugh at me (not really... he never laughs AT me, but you know what I mean) and he would tell me that I’m doing far better than “barely getting by.” 
Regardless, I hate feeling this way. 


Things on my mind, in no particular order:
*My little guy being sick
*Turning 40 sooner than later
*The Eagles!
*My knee, PT, the usual

My little guy is sick. He’s been sick for a while now. It was breathing and coughing related stuff earlier in the month, we “fixed” that, and now GI stuff. When one of my kids is sick, it throws seemingly everything in the universe off, and best laid plans end up in the toilet. Speaking of toilets, I’ve had far too much interaction with little boy poop lately. Yuck! Even my kid, whose poop it is and who finds poop hilarious, is tired of talking about his poop. He had 3 days in a row of doctor visits and testing and missed school this week, and the end of the week has him feeling better ok enough to go to school, but still not right. Nothing conclusive from the tests other than he’s losing nutrients, and his large intestine is inflamed on ultrasound. We are hoping this is a “post-viral dumping” phenomenon but if he’s not back to normal in 4 days, we will go for more testing. Boo. I’m not stressed about it now that he has seen the right doctors and has had initial imaging done, but I am definitely overwhelmed.  

I turn 40 sooner than later. 
Like in a little over 4 months sooner. 
I don’t want to be the kind of woman (or person in general) who cares about their age, but the numbers get to me. Probably the same way the numbers on a scale always got to me. I don’t think that 40 year olds are old, but I don’t want to be 40. 

I’m kind of totally pouting about it. And I know I need to grow up and just deal. And I will. But right now I’m pouting. 

How about them Eagles!

Seriously what a fun and unexpected season. I’ll be honest and say that before I met Alex I didn’t really give a shit about football. Baseball sure. Hockey a little more (I dated a hockey player in high school and one in college). Basketball, yeah,no shits given about that either. 

So when Alex and I met, I learned that he was an Eagles fan. And going to people’s houses and watching the games EVERY week were a thing, so it became my thing too. I lived in several states growing up and didn’t really have a team I loved, so I loved the Eagles just like Alex. 

Two funny things about that:
1) I always disliked the Cowboys even before meeting Alex and before I cared about football
2) the Phillies were always my baseball team even after moving all over, probably because I loved the Phanatic as a kid living in Roxborough. 
*neither of those was funny, sorry*

So I’m an Eagles fan by marriage. 
And it’s been rough rooting and cheering and never feeling like we had what it takes to go the distance, even 13 years ago when we last went to the Super Bowl. 
*listen to me saying “we” as if I’m part of the damn team* 
This year feels different though, and I hope like hell that I’m right! I also hope for my oldest kid (Charlie) that I’m right. He will lose his 12 year old mind when we win the Super Bowl (see what I did there?!)! 

Even our dog Rocky might get excited with a win!
Maybe not. 
So yeah, I’m pumped over the Eagles and wish it was time for the game already!

And last but not least, my knee. 

I’m a day over 12 weeks, or 3 months post-op. 
I’m in the strengthening phase.
 I see Dr. Z next week. 
And after next week, I can do most of the PT on my own and at the gym, and will only check in once a week. My last 2 PT appointments have been amazing. I really can’t believe what a difference 2 weeks has made. Stairs are far less of a struggle. And most of the time I can walk without thinking about every step. I still fatigue quickly, but I’m walking SO MUCH and tolerating it really well. If I have time this weekend I’m going to walk to the South Street Bridge from my house. I still haven’t been back since New Years Day!

This is a picture I took from the car the other night with the city all aglow in Eagles green!

I need to put gym time on my calendar to make sure I go and do the work on my knee. This week got so nutty that I didn’t do any of my exercises for my leg and I cannot let that happen again. My rehab is a huge priority, and while “life happens,” I need to set aside me time. Even if it is for rehab exercises!

Guess what is finally getting stored away in the basement!!!
Goodbye crutches and torture brace. Well, not goodbye. I’m going to hold onto them to ward off evil spirits. Like, if I have them on hand, I’m less likely to have complications anytime in the near future. Right?!

Also, this is my mantra for the next few weeks...
It can be yours too if you want!


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