5 months post-op. Faster baby steps.

Somehow it’s been 5 months (11/2-4/2) or 21+ weeks since my surgery. It’s funny because the more time that’s passed, the more I’m confident that “preservation surgery” is the more appropriate term for what I had done rather than “salvage surgery.” Overall it really feels good and my pain level is almost always zero! I still feel the weird grinding feeling but it’s either not as pronounced or I’m used to it now. 

What’s new since month 4?
Not much really, which is actually great because there really isn’t supposed to be much to say at this point. Slowly moving forward some weeks, staying at status-quo other weeks. The result is a slightly stronger and more reliable knee at the 5 month mark. 

I kicked some serious ass in PT this month, although most of it was done on my own time. Marty had me stretching 2 weeks between appointments so I could see how well I could manage my own exercises. He wanted to see if I could listen to my body, modify things based on how my knee felt, not work on knee stuff more than I was supposed to, etc. and I did really well!  

He also did some strength testing on me a couple of weeks ago and I was well over where he hoped I would be, so all is good in PT world. So good, in fact, that he’s discharging me from PT...
He dropped this bombshell on me while I was on the bike at my last appointment and he was on the other side of the gym. I’m pretty sure he was worried I would start crying or begging him not to break up with me. I didn’t cry, but I certainly will at my last appointment. I did ask him if he was sure, and our full conversation was funny and heartfelt. He told me that I’m 100% ready to do this on my own, and bringing me in just isn’t necessary anymore.

 He’s bringing me back one more time in a little over a week for discharge and wrap-up. Again, really?!  He seems to be sure that I’m ready. It will be nice to not have a co-pay. I’ve spent over $700 on PT co-pays already. But knowing I’m in good hands was totally worth it. Marty wants me to come back around the 8 month mark as a new patient to see how I’m doing. I can email him in between with any questions. I can stop in and say hi anytime. He’s not dumping me. Just encouraging me to trust my own judgement. Ahhhh. I’m so excited and so nervous. 

This is what I’m doing for knee exercises at this point, 2-3 times/7 days: 
(2 sets of 15 reps with L only and one set with both, upping the weight as tolerated)
Leg extension
Leg press
Hip abduction
Hip adduction

(3 sets of 12 reps)
Reverse lunges
Calf raises
Monster walk forward and back with black band
Squats with black band*

*In terms of the squats, I am now able to squat down to a chair, lightly touch, then stand back up with no pain. This is freakin huge!*

The stationary bike is my warmup/cardio. Longer times no longer hurt my knee which is good. I’m anxious to get on a real bike...especially as the weather (one of these days) gets nicer. I walked all over Six Flags Amusement Park yesterday with my kids and my knee was tired and a little swollen, but not ruined. That’s pretty huge! Marty clued me in that the way to walk faster is to take more small steps rather than faster big (long stride) steps. Duh. Same as running! There’s less stress on the knee with the way you make impact with smaller steps. So I tried that yesterday as I kept up with 3 excited kids rushing between roller coasters and it worked. This is why I can’t have Marty break up with me!

I had a dream last night that I got fast enough walking that I decided to sign up for runs where I would walk the whole thing. My first race though you had to maintain an 11 minute pace or you got booted after the first mile so I never even started. Not sure what that dream meant. I was disappointed in my dream but I woke up wondering why I would ever register for something knowing I would have to walk. Again, the meaning behind the dream is lost on me right now.

I see Dr. Z at the end of April. I’m officially going to go there with zero expectations. But I do have hopes (please, please, pretty please) of biking and swimming in my nearer future. 

But really, no expectations!

Thanks for reading and caring and tolerating my whining along the way!

Last minute edit, can’t believe I forgot to mention this and I mention it only because I’m still amazed at the gall some people have...yup still surprised at people after almost 40 years on this planet.

I wore a dress to a function this past week and had a person ask me how my knee was doing. They then proceed to recommend that I wear stockings or put makeup on my scar to make it less obvious. 

Yes. That actually happened. I was speechless and they moved on before I had time to formulate a proper reaction...


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