I’m not crying, you’re crying.

My oldest son is training for the Broad St. Run, which is a huge 10 mile race through Philadelphia. It was a last minute decision simply because the option wasn’t offered to him until last minute. His school is new, and they got a last minute spot with Students Run Philly.  

I’ve been trying to be encouraging without being pushy. Trying so hard to not impose my running desires on him. Being as casual as I can be about running (casual about running? Come on now). He’s asked me a couple of times why I’m not “making” him do the runs, and instead leaving it up to him. Maybe I’m a better actress than I thought.  

Today he did a 7.5 mile treadmill run at a 10 min/mile pace. And aside from a cramp or two, felt great and LIKED it! Next weekend he has an 8.5 mile run planned, and the race is the following Sunday. I told him how proud I am of how well he’s doing, and how unexpected it is that he’s taken an interest in running. 

This is him running today, mile 5 (he was shirtless so I scribbled over him with photo editor just so he’s not bare chested for any creepers out there).

Anyway, I was telling him how proud I am, and he says “it’s all because of you mom. And Broad St is all for you.”  I couldn’t respond because if I opened my mouth I would certainly start bawling. So I made hand gestures indicating that I needed more information. He goes on to tell me how sad he is for me because he knows how much I loved running. He wanted to see what there was to love about running. He wanted me to feel like I was still involved with running because he would need my help figuring out how fast and far to run to train. And he’s running Broad St because he knows I’ll come watch him finish and will see my own running friends there. 

So I hugged him through tears and told him he’s amazing. Then I said, “ewe you’re sweaty.” 

Funny...he used to say that to me daily when he would lean in for a hug after I went for a run. 

So it may be a while before I stop crying. 
Please send tissues. 


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