What a Feeling!

So I exercised today!  
I mean, really exercised!

 I went to the gym and did a total-body strength/weight circuit, and then cardio. My heart rate was elevated, and I was a sweaty mess, and it was exhilarating!

It’s been a week or so that I’ve been “allowed” to. Marty (PT) only recently told me to trust my body and how I feel and move forward with cardio exercises. Obviously I have to stay within my knee restrictions still, so I can only do certain leg exercises...and biking is really the only cardio I can do right now, but still!

Of course though, this past week since being given the “go ahead” to exercise has been completely nutty (although I feel like most weeks feel that way anymore) and I haven’t had time. Weights and my knee exercises take a LOT of time, and then add cardio and I need like 2 hours at the gym. 

Who’s got that kind of time?
So today I chose a good (I hoped) workout over sleep. 

This was at the end of my workout. And I felt SO good!

I did weights and strength stuff first. I was able to add weight today to every exercise I did which is such a good feeling! Only one of the knee exercises still pains me, so I try it but rarely ever get through even one set. It’s the leg curl machine. Yowza, it is not fun. 

I’m making a little more movement on the pull-up bar. I have been doing my arm weights and recently added push-ups to my daily routine. I hate them but I’m getting better at them...so progress is happening I guess!

Then I got on the bike and told myself I would go as hard and long as I felt ok!  Almost 40 minutes, 10 miles, level 7 resistance. I wanted to go farther and longer, but I really didn’t want to ruin myself so I forced myself to stop. I sweated and my heart rate was up and it was exhilarating!  I swear I forgot how good a good workout felt!  I even got to the point of losing myself in the cardio...my mind just went blank and I was just biking, not thinking about work or kids or stressors. Just sweating and biking. 

I realized last week that even weights are feeling like a mood booster. I go to the gym stressed, I do a weight circuit, and I feel more relaxed after. Go figure. I couldn’t imagine it ever happening and swore it wouldn’t. 

Maybe I’m finally opening up to the idea that other exercises outside of running can make me feel good, or I’ve actually progressed to a point where I really am working out harder and my brain is reacting accordingly. Whatever it is, it felt amazing today. I missed that feeling SO damn much! 


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