The good feelings far outshine the bad
I should be taking a nap. I promised myself I would nap each day this week. I swore I would work on my sleep hygiene (that is a really hideous term) now that I started back to work. But I can’t sleep and I feel really good. So as much as this blog helps me vent my woes, I want to document the great days too. The funny thing about this whole no running/surgery/rehab process is that the smallest most insignificant details can either make me happy as can be, or completely take the wind out of my sails. Today was a happy as can be kind of day. I went to PT expecting more of the same... *how far can you flex passively (100 degrees is the answer...2 weeks ahead of schedule)? *straight leg raises face up, face down, and side lying *watching me crutch with 20lbs of weight bearing on the L leg *what’s your pain level? *any heel height differential on extension? ...looks good, see you next week. And I got that all, and Marty got to the part where he...